Love Clash. When Shoes Unite.
style • 28.06.2024

Love Clash. When Shoes Unite.

Photography: Shahram Saadat

Few things are certain. ‘Love strikes whenever‘ could be one of these.

Impossible duos have been a fascination of ours for quite some time. What’s most interesting about them are the tiny details that reveal such connections. Details become a love totem that forever unites them in our mind, flattening all differences on the surface.  

We asked photographer friend Shahram Saadat to follow the wild ride our couple is on. 

Visual dichotomy hits hard, but also ‘the heart knows no rules’.

Now, can you spot it? Both wearing New Balance T500. What we are saying is: do not stop at appearances, but style is everything. The most diverse duo is wearing the grayest New Balance. 

We don’t know how this love evolves, but right now they’re sharing the same ground experience. And that’s forever.